Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQ and How It Works sections are designed to provide you with quick answers and clear guidance, ensuring a seamless experience whether you’re buying, selling, or simply exploring the world of used sports equipment. Discover everything you need to know to make the most of our platform.

No, you can browse all listings without registering. However, to interact with posts or sellers, registration and login are required.

Free membership allows you to save posts and message sellers, perfect for buyers. Premium membership, costing $1 per post, is designed for sellers who want to list their gear. It includes all the benefits of the free plan, plus the ability to create listings.

Yes, for Premium members, there is a $1 fee per listing as a website maintenance charge. This fee enables you to post your gear for sale.

While all communication and negotiations take place on our platform, the actual payment and exchange of goods are arranged directly between the buyer and seller outside our site.

Yes, we encourage users to meet in safe, verified locations for transactions. We are collaborating with local sports venues and schools to provide verified meeting places.

After registering and selecting your membership, you can send an offer or message to the seller directly from the item’s listing page. Use our secure messaging system to negotiate details. No payments are processed through the site; transaction arrangements are made privately between buyer and seller.

How it works


For All Users

Browse Listings

Everyone can browse the gear listings without registering. This allows you to see what’s available on our platform.

Register and Login

To interact with sellers or save posts, users must register and log in. This step ensures a secure and personalized experience.


Membership Options

Free Membership

Ideal for users who are not looking to sell gear. This option allows you to save posts and send messages to sellers, making it easier to keep track of items you’re interested in and communicate with sellers.

Premium Membership

Tailored for users who want to sell their gear. A nominal fee of $1 per post is charged as a website maintenance fee. Premium members can still enjoy all the benefits of free members, such as saving posts and messaging sellers, with the added ability to create listings.


For Buyers

Make an Offer

After finding the gear you want, send your offer directly to the seller through our secure messaging system.

Chat and Arrange Transaction

Communicate with the seller to finalize the price and arrange the transaction details.


For Sellers

Create a Post

With premium membership, you can list your sports equipment on our platform. Each listing incurs a $1 fee.

Manage Offers

Receive and manage offers from interested buyers through our platform.

Finalize the Sale

Chat with buyers to agree on a sale price and arrange the transaction.

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